Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Visual Representation

Something interesting just happened to me as I was waiting in the speedy checkout line at Walmart.

The speedy line wasn't very speedy and I was getting very irritated at how long it was taking. In my mind I was really complaining about the situation and about how slow the cashier was being when all of a sudden something happened that turned my attention to the front of the line.

The lady that was being checked out was yelling at the cashier for being so slow and was really making a scene. When she was finished yelling at the cashier she turned her attention to the manager. I watched the lady make a scene and I also watched the cashier. You could tell the cashier was embarrassed and uncomfortable, which by the way, did not help her move the line any quicker; in fact she was visibly shaken and ended up pushing some wrong buttons when checking out the next person which delayed the line even more.

I'm embarrassed to say that the lady making all the fuss was saying all the things I was thinking and was acting out how I was feeling and it wasn't pretty and it definitely wasn't in alignment with the person I want to be. That visual representation provided an opportunity for me to see my thoughts acted out on the external level and made me realize that was not the kind of person I wanted to be. It reminded me that we have the power to shape the situations in our life instead of just reacting to them. I had the choice to either add to the cashiers embarrassment and discomfort or be kind and offer uplifting words and encouragement. I decided on kindness because that's how I would want to be treated and it's in alignment with the person I want to be.

How are you choosing to shape the situations in your life? Do you uplift or tear down? Are you being the person you want to be?

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